Advertising on Facebook and Instagram

Facebook has extensive knowledge about its users, which can be extremely valuable for advertisers.. With this information, you have a valuable tool to target specific individuals who are a good fit for your company.

How does it work?

On average, people spend about 3 hours looking at their phone screen every day. More than half of this time, which is 98 minutes, is spent on Social Media. Additionally, almost every Dutch person uses Facebook or Instagram nowadays, so advertising on these platforms can reach a large number of people.

The advantage of Facebook and Instagram is that you can set the price yourself. Whether you want to improve brand awareness and image or focus solely on sales, Facebook and Instagram advertising is available for every company.

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We create your Facebook ads

Thorough research is crucial for any digital marketer or content creator, just like examining a warrior’s sword. We develop creative advertisements supported by logistics, with the goal of targeting accurate audiences and achieving the desired results.

Our team delivers impressive advertisements that ensure your Facebook marketing campaign remains effective. We stay updated on market trends and aim to hit the exact target. With our strategies, you can showcase your brand and drive traffic to your website.

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We Guarantee to Reach!

When you advertise on Facebook and Instagram, you are guaranteed to reach the specific audience you are targeting – the people who will truly benefit from your product or service. You have control over the amount you pay, and in return, you will always receive a certain number of views. We will handle the targeting process to ensure that you reach the desired audience. Let us take care of the work!

During a free consultation, we will assess how we can assist you. We will explain our approach and provide you with practical examples of how Facebook and Instagram advertising has been beneficial for our clients.

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