19 Most Common Technical SEO Issues That Are Hurting Your Rankings

August 29, 2022

SEO is a critical part of your website’s overall success. Unfortunately, many podcasters don’t understand how to optimize their websites for search engines. That can result in lower rankings and lost traffic. If you want your website to rank higher for online searches, you need to address these common technical SEO issues.

What is Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the process of improving your website’s search engine visibility and ranking. It includes optimizing your website for the Google search engine, as well as developing a marketing strategy that uses online tools and techniques to promote your website to potential customers.

Technical SEO can be expensive, but it can have a significant impact on your website’s visibility and ranking. If you don’t have it in place, your website may not be able to compete with larger companies or websites that use more effective techniques to improve their rankings.

Problem 1: Your Website Isn’t HTTPS Secure

When you visit a website that isn’t HTTPS secure, your computer may be able to access some of the information on the website but not all of it. This can lead to data being improperly stored on your computer and resulting in incorrect rankings for your site.

If you aren’t sure whether your website is HTTPS secure, you can test it by visiting https://www.google.com/search?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.example.com&btnI. If your computer still cannot access some of the information on www.example.com, you may need to update your web browser or security settings to ensure that all websites are HTTPS secure.

Problem 2: Your Website is Too Slow

There are many reasons why a website might be slow to load. One reason might be that the server is overloaded with traffic. Another might be that there are outdated or incomplete files on the server. When these conditions exist, it can take a while for the site to start up and provide accurate data. Additionally, poor coding can add time delays when attempting to fetch data from external sources like social media sites or Google Analytics. If you notice that your site takes a long time to start up, it’s important to check for any errors in code and fix them before starting up again – this will help improve Site Speed Scores in Google Search.

When trying to figure out why a website is slowing down, it’s helpful to ask yourself several questions:

What type of traffic do you see? Are you seeing high volumes of visits but low rankings? Are there any unusual factors affecting Rankings? Or are there specific pages or websites causing Performance Limitations? What do you need to fix on those specific pages/websites so they’re working as intended? How much work will it take me (in hours) To get those results back into the Top 10?

Problem 3: Your Website Isn’t Displaying Properly on Smart Devices

As a website owner, you should be aware of the common technical SEO issues that are hurting your rankings. Poorly designed websites can easily lead to lower traffic and revenue. In this section, we’ll cover some of the most common problems that can impact your website’s ranking and performance.

  • Unclear title tags

Title tags are a crucial part of any website’s title tag field. They are responsible for determining whether a page is included in search engine results pages (SERPs) and, more importantly, how other web visitors access your site. Poor title tags can cause your website to rank lower in search engine results pages (SERPs) and potentially lose traffic and customers. To make sure your titles are properly formatted, use keyword-rich titles and use unique or specific keywords in each title tag field.

  • Incorrect metadata

Metadata is another key part of good title tags and is responsible for specifying information about the device or software used to view your site (for example, iPhone vs Android). Without correct metadata, viewers can’t determine which version of your website they’re viewing. This could lead to lower Rankings on devices like iPhones and iPads as well as on Google Play Store sites where users prefer an Android device over an iOS one.

  • Defective images

Poorly designed images can also make it difficult for web visitors to understand what you offer on your site. If an image is too large or blurry, it may not be displayed correctly by smartphones or other mobile devices. Additionally, if an image isn’t properly encoded or optimized for online viewing, it could result in poorer loading times and decreased revenue from banner ads and link clicks. To ensure that all of your images meet the minimum standards set by Google AdWords Insights, take the time to test them before submitting them to SERPs.

Problem 4: You Have Too Many 301 Redirect Chains and They’re Confusing Search Engines – AND Your Customers

Sometimes, when you include a 301 redirect chain in your website’s structure, it can confuse search engines. This can cause your website to rank lower in search results, and even lose customers. To fix this issue, you need to break the chain and make sure each redirect is specific to the purpose of that particular 301 redirect.

If you have too many 301 redirect chains on your website, then you should probably start deleting them one by one. You can also try using only direct links to your original websites instead of using 301 redirect chains. Finally, be sure to keep track of which pages are being redirected and why – this will help you identify any issues with your SEO strategy.

Problem 5: Your Website Isn’t Being Indexed Correctly

If your website isn’t properly indexed, it will likely suffer in search engine results. Indexing is the process of adding your website to the search engines’ indexation database. This list of websites includes the top 500 websites in the world, so if your website isn’t on this list, you may not have a chance of ranking high on Google.

There are a few things you can do to improve your website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). One way is to use keyword research and then create relevant titles that accurately describe your business or product. You can also use blue-sky Thinking to come up with new and innovative ideas for promoting your site that might help improve its rank. Another step is to make sure all of your content is well written and has quality metadata (tags, keywords, etc.). Finally, make sure you’re monitoring and troubleshooting any issues that may be affecting your site’s ranking.

Problem 6: Your Robots.Txt File is Missing or Broken

If your robots.txt file is missing or broken, your website will not be able to load properly. This can cause a variety of problems, including lost pages and slow loading times. If you’re experiencing these issues, it’s important to check your robots.txt file and make any necessary corrections as soon as possible.

Your robots.txt file can also contain too many words. This can cause your website to load slowly or fail to load at all on certain devices. To avoid this problem, try to keep the text size small and limit the number of words in your robots.txt file to a minimum.

Problem 7: Your Website Has Duplicate Content – Multiple Versions of the Same Page

When you have duplicate content on your website, it can mean that your visitors are finding two versions of the same page. This can impact your rankings and customer conversion rates. To avoid this issue, make sure to:

  • Identify and fix the duplicates as soon as possible.
  • Make sure that all of your pages feature unique content.
  • Use keyword stuffing and other SEO techniques to improve the quality of your content.

Problem 8: Your Backlinks Come from Spammy or Insecure Websites

There are a number of reasons why your website may be receiving spam links from automated programs. One common technique used by spammers is to submit fake websites as part of a spam campaign. This way, the spammer can generate high-quality backlinks on your behalf, making it harder for you to detect and remove the spam content.

If you’re seeing high levels of spam links on your website, it might be worth looking into ways to reduce or prevent these links from reaching your visitors. One way to do this is by using an effective SEO strategy that focuses on improving your website’s security and ensuring that all of your content is true and accurate. You can also try using tools like Google Adsense or Bing Ads to promote quality sites that have low spam link rates.

Problem 9: Using Soft 404 Errors On Your Website

One of the most common SEO issues that are Hurting Your Rankings is soft 404 errors. Soft 404 errors are errors that are not corrected by Google when a user visits your website. This can cause your website to rank lower in search engines and result in decreased traffic and lost revenue.

One common way to fix soft 404 errors on your website is by using a validator like Majestic SEO or Webcheck. With these tools, you can check whether the pages you are hosting actually contain information about the requested content. If not, you can then correct the errors and re-rank your pages accordingly.

Problem 10: Your Title Tags are Truncated in the SERPS

Title tags are the text that appears at the top of a web page, inside a meta description, and in other places where a website’s title is displayed. Title tags are important because they help SEO (Search Engine Optimization) pages rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPS).

If your title tags are truncated or have incorrect grammar, your website will likely not rank as high as it could. You can try to improve your title tag grammar by using proper keywords and punctuation, and by finding titles that fit the task of your page better. However, even with good title tag grammar, sometimes reformatting your entire site can help get your website higher on search engine results pages.

Problem 11: Your Meta descriptions are Missing or Prefilled

If you don’t have good, keyword-rich meta descriptions for your website, your website will likely not rank as well as it could. Poorly written meta descriptions can be a huge part of the reason why a website doesn’t rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

One of the best ways to improve your website’s ranking is by having keyword rich meta descriptions. In order to create keyword rich meta descriptions, you first need to know what keywords your site target. Once you have that information, you can then craft long and keyword rich meta descriptions that accurately reflect the content on your site.

To create good, keyword rich meta descriptions for your website, start by using Google AdWords Keyword Planner to research the keywords your site is targeting. Once you have those keywords listed in the planner, use them to craft long and keyword rich meta descriptions for each of your pages on your site. Be sure to focus on ensuring all of your page titles include at least one relevant keyword. And make sure that all of the text on each page includes at least one relevant keyword!

If you haven’t already started doing so, make sure you regularly update and add new keywords to the Google AdWords Keyword Planner. This will help ensure that all of your pages are targeted with relevant keywords and that they are being included in effective meta descriptions.

Problem 12: Your Website Has an Incorrect Rel=Canonical Tag

If you have a website with an incorrect canonical tag, your site may rank lower in search engines. This is because the wrong tag is seen as a more authoritative title for a page about a certain subject. For example, if you have a website about cars, and you put the word “car” in the rel=canonical tag, then your site may rank lower in search engines than sites that contain pages about cars that use other tags such as “car models.”

To correct this issue, make sure that your website has the correct rel=canonical tag set. To do this, find and replace all of the invalid links on your site with links to pages that contain the correct information. You can also set up an automated system to check your site’s canonical tag every time you start or stop using Google Analytics.

Problem 13: Your Pages Have Broken Links

If you have pages that break links, your site may be ranked lower in search engine results than it should. Broken links can often lead to lower traffic and a decrease in revenue. To fix this issue, make sure to:

  • Check for broken links on every page of your site.
  • Fix any broken links as soon as possible.
  • Regularly check the rankings of your site to ensure that they are still reflecting the content and quality of your content.

Problem 14: Your Website Doesn’t Use Structured Data

One of the most common SEO issues is websites not using structured data. This means that your website doesn’t use any specific information to help you rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). Structured data can be used to help you better understand your target audience, and it can also help you better target your content and ads. However, if your website doesn’t use structured data, you may not be able to improve your ranking in search engine results pages.

To resolve this issue, you’ll need to start using structured data on your website. This can include contact information for customers, product information, and other important data that will help you better understand and target your customer base. Once you have all of this structured data set up, you’ll be able to improve your rankings in search engine results pages without having to spend a lot of time or money!

Problem 15: International Versions of Your Website Send Users to Pages With the Wrong Language

  • Many international website versions send users to pages in the wrong language.
  • This problem can occur when you install a translated version of your website, or when you use a localized version of an English website on a foreign site.
  • If this issue affects your website’s search engine rankings, it can impact your visibility and customer satisfaction.
  • You can prevent this problem by using a translation service to translate all of your website content into the target language, and by ensuring that all translations are accurate and up-to-date.

Problem 16: There’s No Alt-Text In Your Images

In order to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs), your images must include the correct alt-text. This is the text that tells a human being what the image is about. It can be any text you choose, but it must be original and not copied from another website.

Unfortunately, many webmasters don’t properly include alt-text in their images. As a result, their SERP rankings suffer. You may find that your site doesn’t show up at all in Google, or worse, see low rankings and low clickthrough rates. If you want your site to rank well in search engine results pages, make sure to add alt-text to all of your images!

Problem 17: Your Backlinks Are Lost or Broken

If you’re struggling to rank high on search engines, it may be due to your links being lost or broken. In this section, we’ll look at the different ways links can be lost and how to fix them.

  • Poor link quality: Links can be a very important part of a website’s Rankings, but they can also be a major source of traffic and revenue. If your links are poor and do not provide the audience with what they were expecting, you’ll likely lose Visitors and Revenue.
  • Broken links: Once again, if your links are broken or not working as intended, you’ll lose Visitors and Revenue. Broken Links can often be fixed by using a link management tool like Linkedin (or another similar service) or by contacting the original creator of the link to request a correction or apology.
  • Unsafe links: Finally, if you find any links that are unsafe or inappropriate for your audience (for example, pornographic content), you must take measures to protect yourself from potential legal action. Using firewalls and security features on your website will help protect you against possible legal issues related to unsolicited traffic from outside sources.

Problem 18: Your Website Doesn’t Have an XML Sitemap

If your website doesn’t have an XML Sitemap, search engines won’t be able to index your site. This can cause your website to rank lower in search results, and can even lead to a loss of traffic and customers.

To fix this issue, you’ll need to create an XML sitemap for your website. You can find instructions on how to do this on many online resources, such as SEOmoz or Google Search Console. Make sure that all of the pages on your site have an XML Sitemap file, and that the files are placed in a location where search engines can find them.

Problem 19: Google Can’t Render Your JavaScript Content

If you’re having trouble rendering your JavaScript content, it may be due to a lack of web standards compliance. Google is not compatible with all web browsers and some of them do not support JavaScript. If you’re using a browser like Chrome or Safari that does support JavaScript, make sure to update your browser plugins and/or use an HTML5 capable browser like Firefox or Internet Explorer 11 or later.

How to Optimize Your Site for Search Engine Rankings.

Titles (HTML tags) are the title of a page or article on your site. They are typically one word and can be any length, but they must be unique for each page you have. Title tags should be in the first line of your HTML file and should only use lowercase letters.

In order to optimize your titles, you must also optimize your content. This includes creating high-quality, keyword rich content that is easy to read and understand. You should also make sure that all of your text is properly formatted using hyphens, whitespace, and ASCII characters.

Optimize your Page content

Your content is the foundation of your site’s rankings. It’s important to write high-quality, keyword rich content that people will want to read and learn from. You should make sure that all of your text is properly formatted using hyphens, whitespace, and ASCII characters.

Additionally, make sure that all of your text is free from errors and spelling mistakes. Finally, don’t forget to optimize your site for Google Adsense! By following these tips, you can ensure that your website appears higher on search engine results pages (SERPs), helping you reach more online visitors and improve traffic to your business website.

Technical SEO is an important part of any website’s SEO strategy.

Technical SEO issues can affect your website’s ranking in search engines. To fix these problems, you should first understand the different types of technical SEO issues and how to address them.

  • How to Avoid Technical SEO Issues

If you find that your website is not ranking as well as it should in search engines, you can try to improve your technical SEO by following these tips:

You can also try to avoid technical SEO issues by following these tips:

  • How to Optimize Your Website for Technical SEO

Optimizing your website for technical SEO can help make it easier for people to find and explore your website, increase traffic from search engines, and improve the overall visibility of your site. You should also consider using optimization tools like Cloudflare or Google Analytics to measure the impact of your technical efforts and make adjustments as needed.

How to Optimize Your Site for SEO.

Title tags are the first part of your site’s title, and they’re responsible for identifying your site as the source for that particular phrase. You can optimize your titles by using keywords in your title tags, ensuring that search engines index your site as well as winery linkages to it.

  • Optimize your Header Tags

Header tags provide a brief overview of the content on a given page, and they also serve as a place to add metadata about the page (like date published, language support, etc.) When you optimize your header tags, you should also aim to include keyword rich titles and descriptions below the header tags so that Google can index them more easily.

  • Optimize Your Images

Images play an important role on websites, and they should be optimized for search engine visibility as well as web browser compatibility. You can improve images’ visibility by adding alt attributes to them, making sure that any text or image is easy to read in different browsers, and using keywords in the image src attribute to help Google index it more easily.

  • Optimize Your Pages for SEO

Pages are one of the most important pieces of a website’s puzzle – they need to be well-optimized for search engine optimization (SEO) and visitor engagement so that visitors stay longer on their visit and convert into customers or leads. To optimize pages for SEO purposes, you first need to identify which pages are bearing the most weight within your site – this can be done by analyzing traffic data or social media analytics tools like Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics. Next, you need to identify which keywords are being used most frequently on those pages (via keyword tools like Keyword Planner ), and then use those keywords in all of your pages’ titles and description fields!


Technical SEO is an important part of any website’s SEO strategy. Properly optimizing your website for search engine rankings can help you achieve a higher ranking on the search engine results pages (SERPs). By improving your website’s technical SEO, you can avoid many of the common issues that impact your site’s performance. Additionally, by using soft 404 errors to correct Technical SEO problems and optimizing your site for SEO, you can ensure that your website remains top-performing in search engine results pages.


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